How to learn affiliate marketing with facebook ads ?

Facebook is a global social media giant today, with about 2.79 billion users in total. This makes it a juicy platform for affiliate marketers whose primary job description involves reaching out to people. The higher the number of people you are able to reach, the more your chances of sales, conversions, and consequently, earnings. You can learn and practice affiliate marketing through the use of Facebook ads.

Facebook and affiliate marketing

The Facebook platform has close to 3 billion accounts, with about 1.83 logging in on a daily basis, therefore, are considered active users. Their reach and volume of audience alone put Facebook as one of the best platforms for affiliate marketing which you should try to take advantage of. Also, Facebook has built-in features to make life easier for marketers, allowing you to target certain individuals in different locations based on your marketing objectives.

The site allows you to filter based on geolocation, interest, age, gender, specific areas, and even more so that your ads only gets to the people who are most interested in them. This saves you cost, as well as significantly increase your chances of hitting your marketing goals and earning more from commissions. Facebook makes all these possible through their ads system called “Facebook ads.”

Facebook ads is the aspect of the social media platform which allows marketers to run ads campaigns to their taste. However, they do have a good number of policies and rules you should know ahead. Without meeting these requirements, your ads request would not be published.

How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content
How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content

Step-by-step approach to learn affiliate marketing with Facebook ads

The best way to learn affiliate marketing through Facebook ads is to practice. Yes, you have to pick up your system and try it out for the first time, and although it may be a little confusing and cost you money, you’d get to understand how it works with time, and also how to maximize the money spent on your campaigns.

How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content
How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content

Create a Facebook page or group

Before running ads, it’s best you create a standard business page or group to run it from, instead of using your personal account to spam send links to your friends. Creating a group is easy and free, plus it also allows you to develop a forum for your business that would help your brand.

How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content
How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content

Engage with your group or page audience before promotion

The sad truth is that no one enjoys ads, and people end to scroll quicker when they notice one. Therefore, to establish a successful Facebook affiliate marketing business, you’d have to also aim at being an authority in your niche. When you do this, potential customers would be more open to viewing your ads compared to when it just randomly pops up. Abide by the 80/20 rule and post 80% contents and 20% ads.

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Proceed to Facebook ads

The next step is to proceed to use Facebook ads. Yes, it costs money, but Facebook ads is more like an investment that can potentially earn you far more in returns. Although you cannot use Facebook ads to promote your affiliate link directly, you can sure use it in driving traffic to your page or blog that hosts the links. Also, Facebook has several partnerships with affiliate marketing businesses like Amazon and ClickBank which makes things easier for you.

How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content
How to manage facebook ads with affiliate marketing program links will content

What is Affiliate Marketing?

This term is not very old, at least it is almost as old as the internet. It allows publishers to earn money using featured links on their sites, most of which are blogs of varying size. On the other hand, affiliate marketing allows the advertiser or manufacturer of a product to gain customers without losing money. The latter will simply pay a commission to the publisher against the customer’s purchased basket. A solution that has already proven itself, such as Amazon, Cdiscount, eBay and Aliexpress. These have their own affiliate program while others partner with affiliate platforms like Awin, CJ Publisher, Affilae, etc. in order to more easily group and manage commissions, offers and at the same time, communicate more easily with publishers who can also register on these platforms. It is also interesting to point out that all parties are winning except Amazon which has its own program. So all parties are winners, Cdiscount for example highlights an offer via Awin which forwards it to publishers. The publisher will receive a commission from Awin, once the advertiser (Cdiscount) has received payment from the customer. It is a practice that has spread like wildfire and has taken more and more place on the internet. Affiliate marketing is not about to stop there since brands do not hesitate to increase commissions in order to attract publishers and why not, new customers using articles from affiliate blogs, messages on social networks, stories on TikTok, Instagram or Snapchat. In short, there are no limits to affiliate marketing, feel free to read more information about these affiliate marketing forums.

Tricks to make your Facebook Ads campaign successful and profitable

All digital media can be used for affiliate marketing: website, e-mail, or social networks.  Facebook is becoming a must-have network as its users are constantly increasing. This is why individuals or big brands are interested in exploiting it to make their business flourish.
So, once you know how to scale facebook ads, you can take advantage of this bargain.  If this process is completely new for you, but still appeals to you, you can find the essential questions on this topic in the lines below.

The Ultimate guide to Facebook Affiliate Marketing

Since Facebook has become the most visited platform, it’s a pity not to use it. Likewise, consumer categories are visible there, which is all the more reason to increase your visibility via this channel.  To know more about the advantages of affiliate programs, it is essential to know the way it works. Here’s what you need to do to adopt a better marketing strategy on Facebook: either you opt for paid or free advertising.

  • Accumulate free traffic
    This feature is available to everyone and consists of promoting the products and services of a partner company via Facebook audiences.  But the success of this process depends on the followers of your page or your private group.  Also, it is necessary to put your creativity forward to develop your network.  Take care to deliver attractive and engaging content that keeps your audience interested.
  • Opting for paid advertising
    It’s easy to create ads on Facebook through your page. To do this, simply click on the Facebook Ads Manager tab.Most of the time, this feature is also referred to as Business Manager. You have a tool to create your advertising campaign and manage it properly. The interface will guide you through the steps to follow if you encounter any difficulties.

To keep in mind

If paid advertising attracts you, study and refine your strategy to reach the most targets.There are two options once you officially take on an influencer or affiliate role. The first will be to insert direct links leading directly to the site of your advertiser.  You can also post only indirect links pointing your target to your own website. In this case, you get visibility while encouraging the prospect to engage your advertiser via a CTA (call to action). As you practice, however, you will learn more and more that both methods (direct and indirect link) are just as essential to growing your business.